Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sales of World's Most Expensive Paintings

Painting is one of the works that are very much created by an artist. Besides painting a work very sisukai by all people around the world. That's because scratches the hands of artists who created a work that is accompanied by a color and line in a painting course if the sale will result in a very expensive price. And the following will be explained about penjulan most expensive painting in the world!

Painting Woman Sitting Near A Window

Sales first painting at a very high price is a painting named Painting Woman Sitting Near a window created by an artist named Pablo Picasso world. He is an artist jyang very reliable it is no wonder that his paintings have a very expensive auction price that is 44, 9 million US Dollar.

Painting Dusthead

The second painting is a painting Dusthead work of an artist named Jean Michel Basquia. This painting is no less expensive as the first painting that has the auction price of about 48, 4 million US Dollars. All because Dusthead painting has a meaning that is very beautiful though this painting like children.

Painting Saying Grace

The next painting is a painting by an artist named Norman Rockwell. In the painting named Saying Grace describes a cafe or bar created using guratn line that can make the painting look more beautiful becomes. And for the price of this painting is 15-20 million US Dollar.

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